วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Chinese Zodiac-- Year of rat

People born during the years of 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and
2008 according to the Chinese calendar (exact days on the western calendar
vary) are under the influence of Rat. A typical Rat is always energetic,
sociable, smart and witty. You know how to present your best image for
others, and people surely enjoy your presence very much. You are also full
of imaginations, and very curious about all things around you. Sometimes,
however, you might appear to be egocentric and stubborn.

As a Rat, you are extremely meticulous and organized. Others might not
like to work with a perfectionist, but you like to stick to your
principles. Smart as you are, you can always achieve your goals. You are
also alert and observant, knowing the best timing to grasp opportunities.
You are very suitable for jobs that can enable you to exercise your
imagination, such as marketing, advertising, art, creative writing, etc.
The standard nine to five office jobs are not the best fit for you. One
reminder for you is, try to ask for advice for important decisions since
sometimes you seem to be very indecisive.

If you are thinking about investment or starting your own business, go
ahead as long as you choose the right industry. Your have very positive
career prospects. A promotion might even occur soon. But remember to
cherish your current opportunities before you look for the next one. Your
overly-active personality could sometimes harm you.

Author Biography

Emily Zhang is a professional linguist, foreign language instructor, and
e-learning specialist for TutorChinese. Zhang has been working as a
freelance translator for several years after she earned her masters'
degree in translation from the Monterey Institute of International
Studies, U.S.A. She has also worked in California, U.S.A. as a Chinese
language teacher. Zhang enjoys her foreign language learning journey and
is enthusiastic about sharing her language learning experience with all
language learners.

